To revitalize the Sam Houston State University Bearkat Community Garden, nearly 50 students from the Elliott T. Bowers Honors College participated in a garden clean-up event at the SHSU Horticulture Center on Dec. 2. Thanks to the combined efforts of Biology Professor Jeff Wozniak, Honors College Associate Director Kendall Gragert and the honors students who volunteered their time and talent, the community garden is ready for spring planting once again.
Plans to revitalize the garden started with an ACE project in the Fall 2023 UNIV 1101 freshman honors scholar cohort. Students voted to focus their efforts to spearhead getting the community garden running again for their ACE project. Those efforts were aided by, Gragert, who received mini-grant funds for the project.
There are big plans for the garden moving forward, including plans for SHSU honors students to engage with local school district students at the garden for their ACE project. According to Wozniak, the project will include honors students leading middle schoolers in educational activities at the community garden focusing on nutrition, composting and other gardening related projects.