Community Impact has passed along that news of a merger between the Montgomery Area and Conroe/Lake Conroe Chambers of Commerce were made public back in March. The first call proposing the merger was made back in January by former Montgomery Area Chamber President Shannan Reid.
She said the basis for the decision was increasing resources and enlarging their network. There were 240 member businesses in the Montgomery chamber.
Combining the Montgomery and Conroe/Lake Conroe chambers made for 1,174 members total. Moves ahead include visiting Washington, D.C., putting together a welcome/visitor’s center in Montgomery and getting ready for re-accreditation.
Conroe/Lake Conroe President Scott Harper sees the merger not as a “takeover,” but as a “collaboration.”
As part of the Chambers combining together, two Montgomery staff members joined the Conroe chamber, while Reid is now director of community relations.
Through the end of 2024, the Montgomery Chamber will keep their same membership rates before adopting Conroe’s rates.
Harper passed along that a lease has been signed by the Conroe/Lake Conroe chamber for a space at 21499 Eva Street, Suite B, in Montgomery. The opening expectation is for mid-May. The plan is to occupy the new location for three to four years.