The four finalists are:
1. Troy Besseche: Currently serving as the Assistant City Manager for Sugar Hill, Georgia, Besseche has over 25 years of experience in local government. His expertise spans engineering, economic and community development, utility operations, capital projects, parks and recreation, and public works.
2. Brent Sherrod: Currently serving as the Director of Public Works for Huntsville, Texas, Sherrod has a strong background in engineering. He excels in providing efficient and effective public works services.
3. Scott Swigert: Currently serving as the City Manager for Cleveland, Texas, Swigert has experience in city administration. He oversees the day-to-day operations of the city, including emergency services, utilities, public works, and economic development.
4. Nieman Young, PhD: Recently served as the Assistant City Manager for Corpus Christi, Texas. Young has a diverse background in organizational leadership, operations, and communications, He has led various city departments, including engineering services, public works, and solid waste.